Dual BA Student Awarded Prestigious Goldwater Scholarship

Gabriel Mangum Lehmann ‘24GS is among the 2023 awardees for this preeminent undergraduate award in the fields of mathematics, the natural sciences, and engineering.

June 16, 2023

Gabriel Mangum Lehmann ‘24GS has been named a 2023 Goldwater Scholar. The Goldwater Scholarship, which is awarded annually to exemplary undergraduates with research career ambitions in the fields of the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics, provides tuition support from the time of the award through scholars’ graduation.

Lehmann, who is a New York City native, is majoring in earth and environmental sciences. At Trinity, he performed as a cellist in the Trinity Orchestra, and at Columbia he has pursued research in paleoceanography at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, exploring crucial dynamics of the climate system. He has also participated in the Science Research Mentoring Program at the American Museum of Natural History.

“I felt that the course structure of the Dual BA Program, in which we got a strong grounding in our major early on, was very helpful in allowing me to do research once I got to Columbia,” said Lehmann of the path that led him to Goldwater. It was in a lab that he heard of the Goldwater Scholarship from a fellow student researcher, 2022 Goldwater recipient Jenna Everard ‘23BC, and he applied with the encouragement of mentor Professor Sidney Hemming of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. In the immediate future, Lehmann is excited to continue his research at Lamont and complete his senior thesis in the upcoming academic year. Longterm, he plans to pursue a PhD in paleoceanography with the ultimate goal of becoming a professor. 

About the Goldwater Scholarship

The Goldwater Foundation is a federally endowed agency established by Public Law 99-661 on November 14, 1986. The Scholarship Program honoring Senator Barry Goldwater was designed to foster and encourage outstanding students to pursue research careers in the fields of the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics. With the 2023 awards, this brings the number of scholarships awarded since 1989 by the Goldwater Foundation to 10,283.

To learn more about fellowship opportunities, GS students are encouraged to visit the Fellowships section of the website, and to reach out to the GS Fellowships Office and Undergraduate Research & Fellowships.