Transfer Entry Process

The Dual BA Program between Trinity College Dublin and Columbia University offers highly qualified students who have already completed a full academic year in an eligible Trinity College Dublin academic track an opportunity to continue their education in New York City at Columbia University through the Transfer Entry process. In lieu of the traditional sophister years at Trinity, admitted students spend two years at the School of General Studies, Columbia's undergraduate college for students pursuing a nontraditional educational path. Upon completion of their studies at Columbia, Dual BA Program students will earn two bachelor's degrees, one from each institution.

Note: Students who are not currently enrolled at Trinity College Dublin are not eligible to apply for the Dual BA Program through the Transfer Entry application process. Students who do not meet this necessary criterion but are interested in applying for transfer admission to the Dual BA Program from another college or university are encouraged to apply through the first-year application process.

All Dual BA Program students, regardless of whether they are admitted through the first-year application process or through the Transfer Entry process, may transfer up to the equivalent of 60 Columbia University points (credits) from Trinity (or other eligible university-level coursework) toward the fulfillment of the Columbia undergraduate degree program.

By enrolling in the Dual BA Program through the Transfer Entry process, students are demonstrating their commitment to completing both years at Columbia. Upon successful completion of the program, students are awarded two bachelor's degrees, one each from Trinity College Dublin and Columbia University. Please note that both degrees are conferred upon graduation.

Transitioning to Columbia

Students admitted through the Dual BA Transfer Entry process will receive extensive support from the School of General Studies in their transition to Columbia University. For more information, visit the Student Life section.

Academic Advising

Students admitted to the Dual BA Program through the Transfer Entry process will be assigned academic advisors from Trinity and the School of General Studies in the fall semester of their second year at Trinity. The academic advisor provides support to newly-admitted students, both by guiding them in their transition to Columbia and in helping them navigate the completion of Columbia's undergraduate degree requirements.

Upon declaring a major at Columbia, students are assigned an advisor within their major department who assumes responsibility for advising students about courses and requirements for the major. Faculty advisors are also available to students completing concentrations in a particular discipline or program. Each academic department and program at Columbia has a designated Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) who is available for consultation about majors and their requirements.


All Dual BA Program students are guaranteed housing at Columbia when making the transition from Ireland to New York in their third year. Students are not required to sign up for Columbia housing should they prefer to make their own housing arrangements. However, students who initially choose not to take advantage of University housing will not be guaranteed placement at a later date. For more information, visit the Housing page.

Tuition and Financial Aid

During their two years of study at Columbia, Dual BA Program students will pay Columbia University tuition and fees. All Dual BA Program students are eligible to apply for financial aid at Columbia, consistent with all other students at the School of General Studies. For more information about financial aid, visit the Types of Aid page.

Several Trinity students are admitted to the Dual BA Program through the Transfer Entry application process each year. The admissions process includes a review of the applicant’s academic history, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores, and a personal essay. Applications will be reviewed by a joint committee featuring admissions representatives from both Columbia University and Trinity College Dublin. 

Please note: Students not currently enrolled in an eligible Single Honours Trinity College Dublin undergraduate program are not eligible for the Transfer Entry application process and must apply through the first-year application process. Interested students should first contact the Dual BA Office via email to ensure they are eligible to apply through this route.


Trinity College Dublin students enrolled in their first year of undergraduate studies in one of the following approved undergraduate courses are eligible to apply for the Dual BA Program through the Transfer Entry process:

  • Classics, Ancient History, and Archaeology
  • English Studies
  • European Studies
  • Film
  • History of Art and Architecture
  • Middle Eastern and European Languages and Cultures
  • Philosophy
  • Religion

Please note: Interested students must be enrolled in one of the courses noted above in their Junior Fresh year at Trinity in order to be eligible to apply for entry into the Dual BA Program; it is not possible to apply simultaneously to transfer into an eligible undergraduate course and the Dual BA Program.

Candidates are not eligible to apply to the Dual BA transfer program if in the last three years they applied and were rejected by Columbia College or The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Candidates must receive a minimum of a 2.1 in their Junior Fresh (Year 1) at Trinity to be eligible to transfer to the Dual B.A. in Senior Fresh (Year 2). 

No student who was unsuccessful in gaining a place on the Dual BA at first application may be considered for a transfer application into the Dual BA. 

Application Timeline

Applying to the Dual BA Program through the Transfer Entry Process

A complete Transfer Entry application for the Dual BA Program between Trinity College Dublin and Columbia University includes the following:

  • The application for admission (Step One above) to be completed online. Create an account and choose "2025 Trinity Transfer" from the menu. The $80 application fee will be waived for applicants to this program.
  • The Submission of a TCD Transfer Request form via your Trinity Tutor to Academic Registry (Step Two). Students will be contacted and advised about how to complete this form after submitting the application for admission from Step One.
  • Official secondary school results*: 
    • If no final exams were taken during high school, please provide all high school transcripts. All high school academic records should be uploaded to the online application form.
    • *Unofficial documents are accepted as part of the application review process. If offered admission, in order to enroll, you will be required to submit official documents.
  • Photocopy of transcripts from Trinity College Dublin and any other universities attended, if available. Transcripts must reflect grades earned, as well as the number of units/credits awarded for each course taken. All university transcripts should be uploaded to the online application form. The Dual BA Programme Officer will assist with retrieving your Trinity transcripts.
    • Students must receive a minimum of a 2.1 in their Junior Fresh (Year 1) at Trinity to be eligible to transfer to the Dual B.A. in Senior Fresh (Year 2).​​​​​
    • Please reach out to the Trinity Dual BA Programme Office at [email protected] if you need assistance in retrieving these documents.
  • Photocopy of TOEFL, IELTS, CAE, or Duolingo for non-Anglophone students. The Dual BA Program Admissions Committee requires a minimum score of 100 on the internet-based TOEFL (or 600 on the paper version), 7.0 on the IELTS, 110 on the Duolingo English Test (with no section score below 100), or a grade of B or higher on the CAE level C.
  • Photocopy of SAT or ACT scores, if applicable.
  • CV in English
  • Autobiographical essay: Given your experiences as a student preparing to enter your second year at Trinity College Dublin, how have you changed in comparison to who you were in secondary school? How do you imagine an international academic opportunity like the Dual BA Program with Columbia University might also lead to new experiences that will change you as a scholar and a person?
  • Two letters of recommendation from academic and/or professional sources. At least one letter must be written by a Trinity College Dublin professor. Letters should be uploaded directly to the online application system by each recommender.

Applying for Financial Aid for the Dual BA Program Transfer Entry

Prospective student applicants who wish to request institutional scholarship aid, and who are U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents must submit both the CSS Profile and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students who are neither citizens nor permanent residents in the U.S. would only be required to complete the CSS Profile. 

To be considered for institutional aid, prospective students should complete the 2023-2024 CSS Profile using Columbia University’s General Studies CSS School Code: 2095.

For consideration for GS institutional aid, complete family and parental information is required on the CSS Profile application from both custodial and non-custodial parents. If the parents have separate households (unmarried, separated, or divorced,) complete financial information for both parental households must be provided on the application. 

In addition, once admitted, all incoming Dual BA Program students applying for financial aid must also submit the Planned Enrollment Form, as described in your acceptance packet. Please note, the Planned Enrollment Form is not accessible to prospective students until they have been accepted.

Please note:

  • The Columbia University School of General Studies CSS School Code is 2095.
  • The Columbia University FAFSA code is 002707.